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As another year comes to an end, I reflect on the transformation that I have undergone and I can safely say that Cory has helped me through one of the most personally challenging and rewarding years of my life. I was a Pilates student of Cory’s for many years and developed a great deal of trust in her ability to guide me toward observations about myself that increased my quality of physical health.  When she announced that she would be expanding her services by providing astrological readings, I was so excited because this seemed so synergistic with the work she was already doing! I have always held a connection to the place and time I was born and Cory’s readings have been so insightful regarding how these factors could be affecting my life today.  Hearing her say “it’s all right here” when describing my unique life circumstances as laid out in my chart, has been the reassurance I needed to remain focused and steadfast in my growth and development. I recommend her highly if you wish to explore how you are uniquely situated in this world and gain perspective on your specific challenges and attributes.

Myisha Battle, Sex coach, host of Down for Whatever


The stars were saying the same thing that my heart was saying, but I was too busy to hear. Sitting with Cory helped me to bring voice to some instincts and dreams that were longing to be considered. Cory’s deep sensitivity and compassion were essential in a process that exposed so much of my being. I highly recommend anyone to take this self-discovering journey in such perfect company.

Dani Moura, Designer at DaniMoura.com


I originally met Cory through her Pilates and somatic arts practice. A friend’s wonderful referral spurred me to contact Cory about a different kind of counseling. Knowing that I was coming upon my Saturn return, I figured I would schedule a session. I was really blown away with how much Cory knew about me, just from reading my chart. We talked about the path that I am on, and the challenges that I have been facing, and ones that will be coming up. It was immensely helpful and brought so much to the surface for me. Cory is a warm person who is easy to talk to and makes you feel comfortable right away, which is so important when doing this work. She really took her time to make sure we thoroughly covered my chart. I am eagerly looking forward to my next session with her, and diving deeper into it. I highly recommend her counseling to anyone who is seeking guidance.

Lena Elkousy, Private Nutritional Chef at Omcooked.nyc, Yoga Teacher based in Brooklyn, NY


Cory was very prepared for our meeting. She had good insight as to what some of my experiences in the world were like and gave me a few new ways to think about my interpretations of those experiences–really helpful ideas she had about my situation have stuck with me and I come back to them a lot. One interesting (and not too personal), piece of advice was to read the Scorpio horoscope–it’s obviously specific to me, but she determined that even though I have a Cancer sun, a “mass produced horoscope” for Scorpio would be more helpful. What a revelation!

She also found answers to my posed questions in my chart and helped me to understand some of the cycles I’m going through/will be going through. After I left I felt very prepared for what was going to come my way. I highly, highly recommend a session with Cory if you’re at all feeling like you need guidance.

Helen Schreiner, writer/actor/filmmaker


If you have ever considered astro-counseling, Cory Nakasue is the woman to see! I had my first-ever session with her a few weeks ago and was totally impressed. Cory is kind and thorough and has extensive astrological knowledge. She read my natal chart and we discussed my Saturn return (if you are turning 28 or 29 in the near future, now is a good time to learn more!). The information Cory shared with me was helpful and reassuring. I am so grateful to Cory and wholeheartedly recommend her to anyone interested in pursuing this path of self- discovery.

Saskia Layden, Founder, www.humanplantproject.org


I’d never had a formal astrology reading before I decided to go see Cory. I’d been interested for a while, but never found the right person, and I can say I finally did! The time Cory spent with me had almost a sacred feeling: she integrated the more “scientific” aspects with her intuition, always being very clear on where the information she was giving me came from. She offered me extensive information, but also ended up listening to my ranting for a good amount of time. I felt safe in a personal, intimate and knowledgeable setting.

Margherita Tisato, yoga educator, butoh artist